Friday, February 15, 2008

I would dance and be merry...if I only had a brain

I'm having a bit of a rough time rendering in elevation how I can properly portray the look I'm after which is this:

When I show the floor lines it doesn't read like I'd like it too, but they are an important element to show on the elevation...not sure how to fix that yet. Maybe it will work better in section.

All for tonight

Edit: The giant floating thing above the building is merely an unrelated detail sketch that has nothing to do with the building in case you are easily confused as some might be.

Edit #2: This elevation is cut in front of my tower...that is through the "bridge" I should've been a little clearer on this.


enno said...


If you sketched in some of the things one would see behind the facade (people, stairs, the upper level beyond), it would read as a transparent volume.

What do you need the spandrel glass for (if it's that)? Especially on the ground level there is no reason for that.

Some indication of the glazing pattern (size? rhythm?) will help to integrate the lonely doors.

Working with precedents is perfectly fine, even if you incorporate them in thumbnail on the final elevation boards.


Curtis said...

Hello Eric,

If you want to show an elevation like the precedent you have on your blog, then it has to be done in a night time rendering where the greatest light is coming from inside your building. By doing that you can make the surrounding building darker which could begin to show the light from your building reflecting off them. Your spandrel glass, cables and spider clamps will show up the forground much better if the bright light is coming from behind. Then like Enno said, I think puttin people, structure and floors in your drawing behind the glass will give a strong clue of its transparency. Okay I will shutup now, you probably are saying yourself. When I saw and read what you wanted to do I thought it could be very powerful.

Good Luck


jenny chang said...

Hi Eric,

A side note, thanks for your comments on my plans. It is true, I am having a hard time not making this realistic. I will take your advice in trying to make it more for marketing purpose as oppose to CD's. Thanks.

Anyway, back to your sketch. I think in order to make your elevation pop-out, you can photoshop it and add some contrasting colors to make your building come out more. I notice the color scheme you used are very similiar to each other. Maybe tone down the existing building to make yours come out. I agree with Curtis about doing a night scene to make the glass pop-out. I was also thinking about how I would be able to incorporate the materials into the building and maybe by just posting a picture of it on the final presentation would suffice (I'm assuming that's what Enno meant on his last sentence). Anyway, keep up the great work and good luck this weekend. It's crunch time!!!!! Ahhh!